
Reports & Policies

Read our annual reports, review our strategic plan, and find out about LAFF’s polices.

Our work is guided by a comprehensive strategy and appropriate policies, which are reviewed periodically by the board of trustees. We also report on our progress and achievements each year, in our Annual Report, which includes an overview of our audited accounts.  You can browse and read these documents below.

Strategic Plans

Our Strategic Plans set out the vision, mission and values of Latin American Foundation for the Future (LAFF), as well as our goals and programmes for each period.  It is intended to provide a clear guide to our objectives for the period and a framework for implementation of our programmes.

Strategic Plan 2020-2024

Executive Summary for 00-24SP

Strategic Plan 2016 – 2019

Privacy policy

We want to keep you, our supporters, informed about how you’re changing vulnerable people’s lives. But, we only want to do this in ways that you’re happy with. We also want to keep it super simple for you to tell us how you like to receive information. Once we know, we always protect your personal information to the highest standards.

This Privacy Notice explains how LAFF does it.

Safeguarding policy

Child Protection Policy (English)

The  safety  and well-being  of  young people  is  of paramount  importance for LAFF;  it is  the  foundation of  our  mission, the  very  reason for  our  existence. The  staff,  volunteers, and  representatives  of our  organisation  have a  moral  and legal  obligation  to ensure  that,  when given  responsibility  for young  people,  we provide  them  with the  highest  possible standard  of  care. LAFF  is  committed to  devising  and implementing  policies  so that  everyone  involved in  our  operations accepts  their  responsibilities  to safeguard  children  from harm  and  abuse, follow  the  designated procedures  to  protect children,  and  report any  concerns  about their  welfare  to appropriate  authorities.  The aim  of  the policy  is  to promote  good  practice, providing  children  and young  people  with appropriate  safety  and protection  whilst  in contact  with  LAFF, and  to  allow  staff and  volunteers  to make  informed  and confident  responses  to specific  child  protection issues,  both  readily apparent  and  less obvious.

Política de  protección infantil (Español)

En  LAFF,  la seguridad  y  bienestar de  la  gente joven  es  de suprema  importancia;  es la  base  de nuestra  misión,  la razón  de  nuestra existencia.    El  personal, los  voluntarios  y representativos  de  nuestra organización  tiene  la obligación  moral  y legal  de  brindar el  más  alto nivel  de  atención. LAFF está  dedicada  a crear  e  implementar políticas  donde  todos los  relacionados  con nuestro  funcionamiento  acepten sus  responsabilidades  para proteger  a  los niños  de  todo daño  y  abuso, seguir  los  procedimientos  designados para  proteger  a los  niños  e informar  cualquier  preocupación acerca  de  su bienestar  a  las autoridades  pertinentes.  El  objetivo de  la  política es  fomentar  buena práctica,  proporcionando  a  los  niños y  gente  joven con  la  seguridad y  protección  apropiada mientras  interactúan  con LAFF,  permitir  al personal  y  voluntarios dar  respuestas  informadas y  seguras  sobre cuestiones específicas  de protección infantil, ya sea directamente aparente o menos obvio.

Board of Trustees - Role and Guidelines

Board of Trustees – Role and Guidelines sets out policies and principles for the work of board, including the roles and duties of the trustees, and board management guidelines.

Conflicts of Interest Policy

We have a Conflicts of Interest Policy setting out guidelines and procedures to identify, monitor and manage any actual or potential conflicts of interest, to ensure that conflicts do not prevent the trustees from making decisions in the best interest of LAFF.

This policy is not available via our website. For further information, please contact our Programme Manager by email at [email protected]

Financial Crime Risk Policy

It is our policy to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner.  We take a zero-tolerance approach to the commission of financial crime and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all of our business dealings and relationships wherever we operate.

Reflecting this commitment, we have a Financial Crime Risk Policy describing our approach to anti-bribery and corruption, anti-money laundering, fraud and related matters.

This policy is not available via our website.  For further information, please contact our Programme Manager by email at [email protected].

LAFF, 22 Highfield Lane, Dewsbury, UK, WF13 4BQ +51 942761264 [email protected]